On April 16, 2023, Dr. Amy Joiner, 39, used to be found dead with a knife in her neck in front of her house. Her husband, Marcus McBurney Joiner, 40, is going through capital murder fees in connection to her death. According to stories, Dr. Joiner referred to as 911 to document Marcus' conduct, pronouncing he drunk.

During the distress call, a dispatcher allegedly overheard Marcus Joiner pronouncing, "You wanted it like this." Responding to the call, when the Fayetteville Police Department arrived on the scene, they came upon Dr Joiner's useless body on their residential boulevard.

Eyewitness accounts supported the suspicion that Marcus Joiner attacked his wife. A neighbor reportedly saw him kneeling over Dr. Joiner, many times stabbing or punching her. As officers arrived, Marcus Joiner walked away from the frame, ignoring commands to forestall, and entered the couple's place of dwelling before surrendering to the police who had surrounded the home.

Dr. Amy Joiner informed the dispatcher that her husband was "being aggressive"

On April 16, police found out the dead body of Dr. Amy Joiner on the street in entrance of her place of abode at 1611 E. Thornhill Drive. That evening round 9:28 pm, Dr. Amy Joiner called 911 to record her husband's aggressive behavior while he was intoxicated.

During the phone name, Amy Joiner to begin with remained calm whilst describing the situation to the dispatcher. However, she all of sudden started screaming for assist prior to hastily ceasing communication. Recordings of the decision captured a male voice pronouncing the phrases, "You wanted it like this."

Upon arrival, the first officer on the scene nonetheless heard the continued connection between Dr. Joiner's telephone and the 911 operator. The phone was once found near the body at the flooring. When officials arrived at the scene, they found the sufferer with a knife sticking out from her neck, as reported by way of Arkansas Online.

Initial investigation led officers to consider the murder was once an remoted incident (Image by the use of Fayetteville PD)

After Marcus Joiner used to be arrested from the couple's house, he was taken to Washington Regional Medical Center for scientific remedy as he had a stab wound at the left aspect and cuts on his palms. Four days later, he used to be booked into Washington County jail.

Marcus Joiner's next court docket appearance is scheduled for May 22, the place he's going to face arraignment at the capital murder charges. If convicted, he may face the death penalty or lifestyles imprisonment without parole. He remains in custody on a $750,000 bond, as in step with a record via Law&Crime.

Dr. Amy Joiner's colleagues specific surprise over her tragic death

Dr. Amy Joiner got her MD and did her residency from University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She was also a member of Northwest Arkansas (NWA) Pathology Associates in Fayetteville since 2016, where she sooner or later became a partner.

In an email, Ok. Drake Branch, the president of NWA Pathology Associates, wrote:

"This is a difficult time for us and for the Northwest Arkansas medical community."

Her colleagues expressed surprise and deep disappointment over her tragic loss, describing her as a beloved staff member known for her professionalism, compassion, and kindness. They additionally requested that Dr. Amy Joiner's circle of relatives as well as pals be held in the thoughts and prayers of the community as they navigate through this period of mourning.

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