A frightening video appearing a woman from Kitengela, Kenya, stabbing her 2-year-old baby daughter to dying is these days making its rounds on social media. The incident, which came about on Monday, April 24, was reported by neighbors who explained that the 24-year-old mother had locked herself inside of her house and was to start with playing with the baby, but quickly grew to become violent and began breaking issues.
The noise alerted the neighbors who, in spite of trying, could no longer get into the house and needed to witness the violent act. They straight away knowledgeable the police.
Trigger Warning: This article contains written and graphic references to a gruesome homicide that can be extremely worrying for some audience. Reader discretion is advised.
The bone-chilling clip shows the mummy, Olivia Naserian, locking herself in her room and stabbing her daughter Gloria Njeri, a couple of occasions while making a song. Later, Olivia is observed feeding on her useless daughter's remains.
Upon arriving on the scene, police officers broke into the home and located Olivia subconscious. Kitengela OCS (Officer Commanding Station) David Shani, defined that she ate up her baby, declaring:
"Her teeth and clothes were tainted with blood when police found her."The viral video left netizens appalled and in disbelief.
"I had to pray so that I can forget what I just watched": Internet stunned by Kitengela toddler's homicide
As the clip appearing Gloria's homicide went viral, horrified internet customers shared their outrage on Twitter. Many demanded that the "heartless" mom be given the most harsh penalty under the regulation. Others spoke about psychological well being and post-partum depression.
This sparked a tangential discourse the place Twitterati debated how a lot of a task Olivia's mental health must play in her prison sentence. User @GacheriNdumba later summarised:
Here are different feedback noticed online:
Neighbors who recorded the Kitengela incident allege that Olivia killed her daughter after she parted techniques with the daddy. In a statement to the click, she defined that melancholy, extreme self-loathing, and the pain after a failed relationship drove her to devote the act. She said:
"I do not love myself and that is the reason why I decided to take the life of my daughter."Olivia was later taken to Kitengela Sub County Hospital for treatment, the place she used to be compelled to vomit out the body parts that will be used as evidence. Gloria's stays were taken to a Kitengela morgue.
Olivia will remain detained till the authorities determine if the crime used to be premeditated.
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