A viral video of an altercation because of a car accident involving Oceanside native Ashley Barkis has left netizens livid. In the video, Ashley was noticed violently charging on the different car's driver and throwing racist questions at them for allegedly hitting her car. The incident reportedly took place in San Diego.

The video was once to start with shared on May 18 on TikTok by @sam.anthabong, who gave the impression ignorant of Ashley's identification. The consumer requested viewers to spread the clip in order that the lady within the video could be identified as no person deserved to be treated like that. The video was reposted on Twitter by means of @rx0rcist, and a few other people known the girl as Ashley Barkis.

Ashley, who is going through the identify 'SAVAGE' on Instagram, temporarily went private. Twitter user @Rossi_Messi23 wrote that Ashley claims to be a savage and acts like an animal, adding that she should pass to jail for this incident.

One particular person mentioned on Twitter that Ashley used to be later arrested, despite the fact that there has been no reliable affirmation of it.

Netizens call Ashley Barkis a racist and a bigot

The text overlay in the viral video claimed that a buddy of the writer's friend got into the accident and received racist remarks except for getting bodily assaulted by means of the opposite driving force.

Ashley's perspective against the folk within the different car, who appeared to be Asian, infuriated the internet. They demanded Ashley's arrest for attempting to murder the other driver through pushing him into the impending site visitors.

According to Ashley's RelatedIn bio, she works as a gross sales manager at a fitness center known as 24 Hour Fitness. Some people tagged the fitness center in the Twitter video and requested them to hold their worker in charge of her unacceptable conduct. The fitness center answered that Ashley had no longer been their staff member for several years.

Ashley pushed the opposite driver into the oncoming site visitors

Ashley Barkis aggressively charged at the other folks from the opposite car, who appeared to be Asian. She alleged that the other motive force hit her car and asked him the place his insurance was and if he had a driver's license or if he used to be even felony to be in America.

When the other driving force pulled out his motive force's license and showed it to Ashley, she violently threw it away and began physically assaulting the man and the folk with him. At one level, Ashley kicked the person into the transferring visitors, who landed dangerously with reference to a dashing car.

The viral video additionally showed the photos of bruises that the other driver's family members gained via being hit by means of Ashley.

According to a couple social media users, Ashley is an influencer who posts movies of her tune covers on Instagram. However, she gave the impression to have deleted or deactivated her Instagram and TikTok account after other people started commenting on her posts regarding the incident.

The identities of the people from the other car whom Ashley Barkis assaulted are not but known. It could also be now not recognized whether or not the family filed a legal complaint towards the young girl.

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