If you are a Disney World fan and not too long ago heard about the park relocating to New Orleans, don’t be disheartened, because the park is now not going anyplace. Social media customers were falling prey to the scoop shared via a couple of accounts pointing out how the park is moving from Florida to New Orleans.
The news went viral after a web site referred to as Mouse Trap News shared an editorial on their web site and several other such posts on social media. The article on their site stated, “BREAKING: Disney World Officially Moving to New Orleans.” The reason why they gave for the move claimed:
“The Florida government referred to as in the National Guard to block all entrances to Disney World. This used to be a power transfer by means of Desantis. However, Disney is taking back keep watch over with the breaking announcement that they are formally moving Disney World to New Orleans.”Similar claims have been made on social media, where some accounts claimed that the park would move within a yr. The posts had been shared by way of hundreds of folks, thus spreading the pretend news. However, no such announcement used to be made via Disney or every other main e-newsletter, making the scoop faux.
The account and website online which shared concerning the moving of Disney World from Florida to New Orleans is a satirical platform
After Mouse Trap News shared the pretend information on their website and more than a few social media platforms, many social media customers have been satisfied that the park was moving from Florida to New Orleans. However, paying an in depth test to the About section of the web site, it can be amassed that Mouse Trap News publishes satirical items and is a satirical website online made only for fun.
The About phase of the site states:
“Mouse Trap News is the world’s easiest satire web site. We write faux tales about Disney Parks stuff. From Disney Park bulletins to Disney Hotel and lodge news to made-up Disney partnerships, you'll be able to be confident that the rest you read right here is not true, actual, or accurate, however it is a laugh.”Mouse Trap News additionally talked about the Florida govt calling the National Guard to block all entrances to the theme park. This claim is also not true, as Snopes reported how the Florida National Guard spokesperson reached out to the publication and stated:
“There is no reality to this claim. The Florida National Guard has now not been activated for any such project."Mouse News Trap has made several such fake claims in the past, which has left Disney lovers perplexed. A few months back, they published a satirical story about Disney demolishing Cinderella Castle.
Hence, social media users should refrain from falling prey to such news and not share such pieces further, as this can create even more confusion. One should only believe the news that has come from leading publications or the official social media handles of a particular company, in this case, Disney World.
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